Top 3 Questions to Ask a New Jersey Divorce Attorney During COVID-19
During this uncertain time, there are specific and detailed questions that anyone seeking a divorce attorney in New Jersey should ask before retaining that divorce attorney. The list below is not exhaustive but should give you enough information in order to make an informed decision about hiring a divorce or matrimonial lawyer to assist with your case. The New Jersey Family Courts are currently operating, but on a staggered schedule that your divorce attorney will be able to explain to you when you contact them.
Can I Resolve a Custody Dispute During This Time With the Help of a New Jersey Divorce Attorney?
Yes. As long as your divorce agreement was entered in New Jersey, or you have resided here with your child (or children) for an extended period, you can either file an application with the Family Court, or attempt to work out a custody agreement directly with your former spouse, with the help of a New Jersey divorce attorney. For parties that were never married, your New Jersey divorce attorney will guide you to either file the appropriate legal application or enter into a consent agreement.
Can I Modify My Alimony or Child Support Obligations During This Time With the Help of a New Jersey Divorce Attorney?
Yes. There is still no definitive answer as to whether New Jersey Family Courts will view the pandemic as a change in circumstances warranting modification of support payments. Still, your New Jersey divorce attorney will be able to explain the process of attempting to modify and/or terminate support payments. There is no straightforward or simple answer on this issue, but an experienced New Jersey divorce attorney can lay out all potential options.
Do You Need a Lawyer During COVID19 To Get Divorced in New Jersey?
The answer to this question varies on several factors, including your financial resources and confidence in your ability to navigate the Family Courts on your own. Even if you have limited financial resources, a New Jersey divorce attorney can provide you with ways to resolve your divorce matter efficiently. With the courts now operating on a partially remote basis, your New Jersey divorce attorney can give you alternative methods to settle your case with as little court involvement as possible. This will allow you to spend less time and money on your case.
Please make sure to contact our office with any of the above questions, as the New Jersey Family Courts continue to operate, and cases are being resolved and adjudicated daily.
For more information, contact Siegel Divorce Law today.